The Beginners Guide to Cryptocurrency

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Cryptocurrency Debit and Credit Cards

Cryptocurrency Debit and Credit Cards

A cryptocurrency debit card lets you spend your digital assets at locations where debit cards are accepted. Every time you use the crypto card, money is deducted from your wallet balance and converted into the merchant’s currency. Below is the list of the most popular cryptocurrency debit and credit card providers. Check this page more often as we will update it frequently.

Cryptocurrency debit card
Cryptocurrency Debit and Credit Cards

Is the Cryptocurrency Card a debit card?

This type of card enables you to settle transactions at any merchant that accepts debit cards using the funds in your crypto wallet. A big difference between a crypto debit card and a traditional debit card: a crypto debit card automatically converts the crypto you‘ll be spending into the preferred fiat currency.

How do I get a crypto debit card?

To get a bitcoin debit card you will need to have a bitcoin wallet with the company offering the bitcoin card. You open an account and purchase the card from your selected company (such as Wirex, Coinbase, Bitpay or Cryptopay).

How do crypto Visa cards work?

A cryptocurrency rewards credit card works in a similar way to an ordinary rewards card. When you swipe your card and make a purchase, you’ll earn rewards. … Crypto cards convert your crypto into what’s called fiat currency (like dollars or euros) to process the transaction.

Is crypto Card Safe?

In addition to being insured for $360 million against damage or theft, partners with Ledger to store user cryptocurrencies in cold storage. And on the topic of insurance, if you keep a balance in U.S. dollars, that money is FDIC insured as it would be with a regular bank.

Most popular debit and credit card providers

Get up to 8% back in crypto when you use Crypto Visa debit card. Receive FREE $25 when you sign up using our referral link.

Get up to 4% back in crypto when you use Coinbase Visa debit card, plus additional $10 worth of Bitcoin for FREE when you sign up using our referral link.

The worlds first Bitcoin Rewards Credit Card now available for all eligible US residents. Get FREE $10 reward when you sign up using our referral link.

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